Bringing up…

It was his first day in college.  He had to get there in time; the session began at 8 am,

He had left home at 7am, reached the college at 7.40 and grabbed a cup of coffee and just made it in time for the class.

The room seemed full, some of them seemed familiar. Some of them were there three years ago.

‘We shall discuss the smooth muscles today.” The session began. The definition of muscles, the classification of muscles, and finally the histology… before the detailing began the hour was out and he trotted mechanically down the corridor. Sauntering down the corridor his lanky build made Bhavesh appears taller than his 5ft.7’ height. His steps were flattering and a little hesitant; the swagger of the past years seems to have drained him.

“when did you return?” that was Sister Supriya, bright and chirpy as ever.

“last evening.”

“Where are you staying?”

“at Kini maam’s” Sudharkar Kini and his wife Shanti ran an informal hostel, known as Kini-maam’s mama in Konkani meant maternal uncle. They took on paying guests it was a popular place for young students and professionals. Twelve rooms with a common visitors lounge, a utility area where a fully automatic washing machine was kept. There was a cook who came in made breakfast. If one wanted Lunch or dinner the cook had to inform beforehand. Bhavesh said he would be in for dinner/ Rooms allowed electric coffee kettles, of course people cheated with toasters too. but since most boarders were boys they did not really bother too much with cooking.

“ Well, somethings don’t change..What are you doing for lunch?”

“I am having it here in the canteen”

“remember to turn right, and not left.” Said sister before she stepped out. Yup, another change to the right not left, it would be embarrassing to turn left and land into a room full young boys and girls.

Bhavesh smiled a bit to himself and walked down, turned right. Stepping into the room, he felt like he was doing something he ought not to be doing…    Ramesh the canteen boy looked at him, got him his idli wada sambhar and filter coffee… without asking if he would like anything else. Not that it mattered, after all idli-wada-sambhar-coffee was his ideal breakfast.

It was time for the 9.30 rounds, and sister handed everyone the case sheet. Sister Supriya was in charge of the ward, she would be handing out the case sheets to the students, quickly the students went about in groups, to examine the allotted patient.

Sister Supriya was all of forty years, senior staff sister she seemed to know exactly when to fire someone and when to be reassuring. She was like the mother who knew which was the best way to handle the disturbed child of the day. the student community looked at like a saviour for she always bailed them. she would keep the cases ready, if you went to the ward the previous day, she would take them to the cases, and help them examine the cases. Many students did that, went an extra hour to the surgery ward so they knew which student they were seeing and prepare for the case.

Bhavesh and his partner Renu had seen the case, they were well prepared for the question and answer section too.  at 9.30 when they looked at the case the cellulites had burst, and there was an ugly ulcer looking at them. Neither Bhavesh nor Renu had read about the Ulcer, they of course knew the definition but discussion they were not ready for.

“what do you see’ sister was looking at them.

“sister  the cellulites has burst”

“hmm, so what do you think you should check?”

“sister, we are not prepared for ulcer, change the case,”

“that I cannot do, “She retorted, ”but tell what would be significant for the wound to detoriate?”

Bhavesh and Renu both panicked

“Don’t panic, do you remember reading about diabetes?”

Since Bhavesh and Renu had already seen the patient, they quickly noted what was different, got a instant sugar level checked the patient had indeed shown increase sugar level…they  requested for a proper blood sugar profiling  they had got their case through without the head of the department yelling at them. Sister Supriya had guided most students through beside skills, manners and examination.

She had taught them additional things like the right way to dress a wound, talk to patient relatives. She had always been there to save them from their irresponsibility’s.

“Next time, come one day before and prepare the case.”

Bhavesh felt like a kindergarten kid, “or at least note the cases when you go on rounds.”

“here,” she said handing him another clipboard, “I am helping you only today, since this is your first day.”

Suddenly it  hit him, it was his first day as a lecturer in the department of surgery, he could no more get away with not being prepared, looking at the notes there was no case notes, but the noting were on what were the relevant questions to ask… Sister Supriya had always saved the day…..and she did it again!”

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative forIndian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’


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