Quarantine Dreams To Kolhapur Scenes

An Escape Plan.

Top post on Blogchatter

It is Tuesday and at Mango Meadows, Blogchatter asks

Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?

Well, dear readers, I’ve been to London to visit the queen.

And pussy cat, pussy cat, what did you do there?

I frightened a little rat under the queen’s chair.

That’s about the extent of my traveling these days, what with the pandemic and other assorted hurdles.

You see, it’s been a year since I ventured beyond the familiar confines of Goa, save for the occasional jaunt back to Manipal. Currently, my travels are confined to the cozy confines of my armchair or the whimsical realms of my dreams. Ah, the adventure of the subconscious mind! My most daring physical expedition lately has been a trip to Manipal by the illustrious Vande Bharat Express—a veritable peak of adventure, if ever there was one.

It seems my neural pathways have conspired to keep me tethered to a narrative of confinement. I am, alas, yoked to the care of two senior citizens, and any travel that does occur must be in service of my dear mother or beloved daughters. However, I’ve decided it’s high time to create a future projection. Let’s see if we can’t shake things up a bit, shall we?

Picture this: a grand expedition to Pattan Kodoli, Kolhapur! The duration? A splendid week, from the 19th to the 25th of October. Getting there could be an adventure in itself—by road or train, with the road from Belgaum holding a certain familiar charm. Lodging might prove a challenge, but perhaps we could stay at the old family house in Kolhapur where my mother-in-law grew up. Nostalgia and convenience, a perfect combination.

Now, let us delve into the day-by-day itinerary of this epic journey:

Day 1:

Begin at Sanquelim Dattamandir.

Marvel at Anjuman Dam.

Be awed by Gokak Falls.

Explore Belgaum Fort.

Break for the night at Belgaum.

Day 2:

Arrive in Kolhapur.

Pay respects at Mahalakshmi Temple.

Visit Bhavani Mandap.

Offer prayers at Jyotiba Temple.

Tour the historic Panhala Fort.

Day 3:

Revel in the rustic charm of Pattankodoli Village.

Day 4:

A buffer day for unexpected adventures and the journey back home.

Ah, but what is a trip without meticulous packing? Here lies the true test of diligence. For a week’s sojourn, I’ll need six sets of clothes—one for each day and one on standby. A formal outfit, just in case. Toiletries, medicines, chargers, and headphones to muffle the cacophony of the car stereo. A spare bedsheet, preferably a double, to serve as both a spread and a blanket.

An intriguing tip from a friend: she packs only two sets of clothes and buys a new dress each evening from local vendors. Shopping, she claims, offers a unique feel of the town. Though one must beware, as a cabbie in Lucknow once cautioned us, against shopping solo to avoid being swindled.

With this grand plan laid out, I dare say we are good to go! Tally-ho, dear readers, What-ho! Awaiting for the Manifestation …Tally-ho

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